Please Help. Thanks to your help (Scotty and Kirupa) I am so close to having a finished fla. The last item…
How can I get the swf’s “outro” to play before the new swf loads when a button is clicked?
(Each swf has an intro and outro at the same place on their timelines - Line 50) :puzzled:
Here is the code…
buttons_array = [“b1”, “b2”, “b3”, “b4”];
//movies to load
movies_array = [“content0.swf”, “content1.swf”, “content2.swf”, “content3.swf”];
function activeButton() {
for (var i in buttons_array) {
var ref = this._parent[buttons_array*];
if (ref == this) {
ref.f = “active state”;
//added disabling
ref.enabled = false;
} else {
ref.f = “normal state”;
//added enabling
ref.enabled = true;
//changed the gotoAndPlay>>gotoAndStop
for (var i in buttons_array) {
this[buttons_array*].f = “normal state”;
this[buttons_array*].onPress = activeButton;
this[buttons_array*].onRollOver = function() {
this.gotoAndPlay(“over state”);
this[buttons_array*].onRollOut = function() {
this.gotoAndPlay(“out state”);