is there any way to diplay the bytes (or kilobytes) per second in flash. (for use in a preloader)
he haves a preloader with this function
You get the bytes loaded with yourClip.getBytesLoaded() and the time since the beginning of your movie with getTimer()…
thanks for all ur help
thanx!!! this is gonna be great for my game!:love:
How do you work it out Im in a thick kinda mood so I still doint get it
Is it just txtTime = Math.round(getBytesTotal() / getTimer()) + " s"
I dont know
For instance, you could have on the first frame of your movie:
time = getTimer();
this.onEnterFrame = function(){
var elapsedTime = (getTimer() - time) / 1000; // to get it in seconds
var kiloBytesLoaded = this.getBytesLoaded / 1024;
var rate = kiloBytesLoaded / elapsedTime;
trace (rate);
Something like that…
alrihgt, thanks a lot, this worked great