Confusing preloader maths

Hey all I’m trying to get my head around preloaders and am getting there just confused with the maths part of it all.

the preloader I have is basically a movieclip where once a certain amount of bytes are loaded it will go to the next frame of the movieclip

because I want to do it on the basis of bytes i want the number of bytes to equal the number of frames within the movieclip - hope this makes sense so far.

Heres the info from my flash movie:

dim: 750 X 400 pixels
fr rate: 30.0 fr/sec
size: 40KB (41118B)
duration: 3fr (0.1s)
preload: 355fr (11.8s)

Bandwidth: 4800 B/s (160 B/fr)

Frame: 2
0KB (98B)
loaded: 100% (3 frames)
55KB (57195B)


onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.totalBytesBox = Math.round(_root.getBytesTotal()/41118);
_root.loadedBytesBox = Math.round(_root.getBytesLoaded()/41118);
totalBytes = Math.round(_root.getBytesTotal()/41118);
loadedBytes = Math.round(_root.getBytesLoaded()/41118);
if (loadedBytes<2) {
} else if (loadedBytes<4) {
} else if (loadedBytes<6) {
} else if (loadedBytes<8) {
} else if (loadedBytes<10) {
} else if (loadedBytes<12) {
} else if (loadedBytes<14) {
} else if (loadedBytes<16) {
} else if (loadedBytes<18) {
} else if (loadedBytes<20) {
} else if (loadedBytes<22) {
} else if (loadedBytes<24) {
} else if (loadedBytes<26) {
} else if (loadedBytes<28) {
} else if (loadedBytes<30) {
} else if (loadedBytes<32) {
} else if (loadedBytes<34) {
} else if (loadedBytes<36) {
} else if (loadedBytes<38) {
} else if (loadedBytes<40) {
} else if (loadedBytes<42) {
} else if (loadedBytes<44) {
} else if (loadedBytes<46) {
} else {

can someone tell me how many bytes I have in my movie - looking at the movie info (and how I find this info out) and also what the mathround number should be: [ _root.totalBytesBox = Math.round(_root.getBytesTotal()/41118);]

here I have put 41118 - what should it be and how do I work that out?

Sorry for the extra long Q

Hoping somebody can help
