C# Advice

Hey Guys, I just took a job as a senior software engineer for a company using C#. I don’t know it at all, But I’m fluent in Coldfusion, PHP, AS3 and a couple other languages. Anyways, do you guys have any advice that might not be so obvious?



If you know AS3 you’re set. VS is one of the best IDE’s out there. Basically just get used to all the controls first and how they work.

Hmm… can’t think of any real advice other than join the freenode IRC #csharp I’m usually in there. You will figure out C# is the easiest language ever and there is a type for everything.

One big tip that kirupa mentions a lot is if it says the type/namespace couldn’t be found right click the type/name and resolve).

On large projects keep it simple as possible (later on if you get more advanced start looking around at some of the open source controls a few of them can make your development time for larger apps cut in half once you know how to use them correctly).

On a lesser note silk icons are a developers best friend :slight_smile:

Buy a book. It might be an easy language to pick up but I’ve seen many people who do things incorrectly. Not just syntactically but mostly design. Things like putting code inside of forms instead of making projects to handle things that can really go badly later on when you need the same code. (Happens a lot with database work). Also there’s things that just aren’t explained well online. The main ones being executable signing and the .NET security model.

If you don’t already know the .NET framework inside and out then that’s going to take you a while to fully learn. As Temp mentioned most everything has been done before so you don’t have to code much for development work. It’s the primary language at my job.

Also in case you don’t get a free copy of VS from work you can pick up the free express edition online. Has everything you need. In the IDE select a keyword or function or anything you don’t know and press f1. This will open the MSDN live docs. It’s one of the most powerful features of the IDE other than a perfect code hinting system.

Do you know what you’ll be writing the C# for? Web-apps? Desktop apps?

Beyond what Temp and Sirisian suggested, there are few tutorials on this site that cover C#: http://www.kirupa.com/blend_wpf/index.htm (scroll towards the bottom!)


Thanks guys. I’ll be working on several projects, all web-based. The one I know a little about is for the Air Force and is sort of like google maps, but shows supply chain and other info.

How is the performance on the built-in controls? One of my major disappointments with Coldfusion 8 was how clunky and bloated the AJAX and UI controls are. I actually ended up rewriting a lot of what was needed for the project in jQuery. Having a meg worth of unnecessary includes on every screen is rediculous.

Thanks for the link Kirupa. I forgot you were doing C# tutorials now:P

If you’re doing web-based C# then I’m assuming you’re doing ASP.NET? In which case you’ll probably actually have your work cut out for you, as ASP.NET is a complex beast. Just try to remember that for almost anything you want to do in ASP.NET, there’s probably a built-in, albeit convoluted way to get it done.

Wow, your not kiddin GW02. I understand the code, but I’m used to coding everything by hand from the ground up. It’s confusing to have everything generated for you.

I think AS3 and C# is not much differ… You only need a view time without reading any book. I’am coding in both…

You can actually do everything manually as well. You don’t have to use the built-in classes if you don’t want to.
