I agree I love ASP vb/vbscript
using System.greeting;
using System.Raydred.self;
using System.Raydred.talk;
//This is c# code LLC#!
private void Init_Self()
Self mySelf = new Self.Me();
mySelf.name = “Raydred”;
private void SayGreeting()
string response;
Talk talk2Me = new Talk.chat();
response = Talk.chat("How are you guys doing? I miss being there trolling the forum, I will return!");
return response;
Just a bit of my Expression of Code =)
Actually Nalicow, VB is an Odd ball. Most real programmers wont even touch it. I personally hate it its like reading a book or something, too basic. c++ and C# and other languages are easier because the syntax are almost all alike, so its easy to go from one lang to the other without a huge learning curve… But this is my Opinion =)
ray, why is it that you always talk in some sort of programming language…its like a hobby of yours…lol, can’t wait til you return…its much boring without you…even Phil is “away a lot” ;(
I have been trying to get into c# but it sux to me. vb.net and asp.net is cool. Good thing I am not a real programmer.(-: hahahahaha…I even like coldfusion. I hate semi colons I guess
lol its cool if you Vb… i just aint =)
I get c# really well its like my language =) W00t!
Ive never used c++, but I’ve used a little bit of java, which is just like it. Its pretty easy its just we use notepad for the Java and I always forget to add semicolons and then when I compile it gets really mad at me. VB is just easier to mess around with. I know C++ is a million times better, but I’m just a casual programmer and don’t know much about it.
void main()
int choice, counter=0, i;
cout<<"i just got into c++ about 5months ago and i love it
cout<<"ive even began to program some simple games
cout<<"if ya ever need help bulldawg gimme a holla!
cout<<"Press 1 to qo into an infinite L00P";
cout<<"You dumba$$, that wasnt a 1";
for(i=0; i>=-1; i++)
cout<<"* * * * *";
for(z=0; z<=10; z++)
cout<<"Wow a nested loop"
cout<<"The loop iterated "<<counter<<" times
w00t nested loops, decisions, and counters…my favorite :sigh:
You guys make me sick…I have to really concentrate to program and for you guys it comes out of thin air. I am a much better graphic person.:hangover:
Yeah kaotic i seen you on one of the foums.
Yo0u hve made a cool
Pacman game i believe thats what it was.
Nail:Thanks for the links ill look into those.
Playa:Yes i have learned cin >> form my firned last night.
So all it is that the user types in a number.Or Letters.
And the code my firend showed me was cin >> x
the x was the variable and after that code he showed cout << x
and so when you type say 3 the cout function posops in and says the number you pressed.
Seems like i have alot of friends here that know c++
Maybe you cn contact me.
And chat and you can be my personal teacher::
hmm pacman?
not me
my games go as far as an rpg, and a high low guessing game
soon i will start to code something worth looking at
3d-iva:i dont enjoy flowcharting, allthough for some recent projects that have come up it looks like that will be a big help
i like to go with the thoughts as they come, otherwise im more likely to mess up
Right now my Teacher is teaching me all the absoiulute basics.
He has given me tons of Links and tips to get a better strart then what i have on Flash.
See on flash when i have started out i have always copied other peopples work.
Then realized that the other peoples work seem easy and fun to make o i started doing my own.
I have been doing AS for about a year now And do not care for it much any more.
I still may work with it but not like always.
C++ is all me now.
3d-Iva Its easy to us because alot of us good Programmer try ar best you probbaly do to but you like graphics and are focused on both things.Nopw im only focused on C++ no other program at all.
Its good for me to get a very big head start when im 13 ill be excellent at 18.
Then collag i will leanr alot more langauges.
So ill have a pretty good chance of making it in a game company.
Unless i learn the hours thats when my life changes.
Probally like 15 hours 7 days a week LOL
hmm methinks by the time your in college you c++ will be as old as pascal or basic seems to me
the reason im doing c++ is that is what the entry level class is in the college im attending so i wanted a head start
from c++ they move onto Java and asp
c++ been out for a little while now.
I believe they will still have alot of it out.
Niether way ill still make games.
nothing caa stop me fom making game at all.
Lemme get one thing straight for all you “VB programmers” out there… Get a real language… hehe…
I wnat you guys to try and code a directX video game or an openGL video game with your visual basic syntax… Can it be done… Well yeah… But it requires alot more lines of code and alot more hassle. If it even let’s you…
But… Visual BASIC is good for one thing. Making cool interfaces to install your game son lol…
Yeah… The syntax for C++ may be a little daunting with the ; signs… But it’s actually very good programming practice. JavaScript, ActionScript, PHP and some other sub-languages use it as a syntax…
Now I’m not totally dissing ASP… or VB… Cause I used both of those at a time too… I use to use ASP mad crazy actually… But Now I use PHP… And it’s loaded with alot more features than ASP as of right now.
Ohh… And I don’t really think C++ will be going down that quickly… Yeah it’s becoming old… But too many things rely on it that… Well… It wouldn’t be functional to make another one at the time being…
Take Care
well marz that may be true, but isnt that what the people working with C and Pascal etc. were thinking when their languages were the top of the game:bad:
personally i hope c++ stays cause of all the time i am spendind on it
i dont wanna become a guru and then 1 day later OMG LOOK THE B+ programming language comes out:smirk: