hey eveorne i have just got c++ today and will not be using Flash mX alot at all.
Just saying .
And i think Kirupa should put a c++ fprum so that me and PLayaa can help when i get good.
That doesn’t belong to help forums BullDog.
My bad dient mean to do that.
Im used to doing stuff in FlashMX
::Stupid Styupid bulldog:
Kirupa’s a pretty leet c++'er, he could probably help you in the beginning. Why you learning c++ though? You wanna be a programmer for like a game company or something?
Well sice im only 13 i will have a really good chance when i get a Collage degree to enter A game Company.
The most of all i want to be in is.
Ubi Soft.
You meant to say EIDOS right…rubbing my fist:bad:
lol j/k 3D! :trout:
Well it all depends I am going with the one that makes me feel happy or the one that makes a good game and mak me feel that i could make somthing with them.
So far here are my Top 3
(1)Ubi Soft
C++ can be done also for Xbox Game(My love)
Or PS2 and other systmes.
The top of the line is Computer.
To tell the truth i never heard of Blizzard
Maybe a site or description can help.
it will take me a while to adapt to c++ coding but i dont care.
Here is an example i will Explain what all of it means.
#include <iostream.h>
int main()
cout << "Hello Everone!
cout <<"Today is a lovley day!
cout <<"This is my first program in C++!
cout <<"I love C++ Im gonna wok with Ubi Soft!
return 0;
]#include <iostream.h>
int main()
That code is the main part it will not start without it at all.
It basically makes a window pop up. The iostream is
InputOutput stream
cout << "Hello Everone!
cout <<"Today is a lovley day!
cout <<"This is my first program in C++!
cout <<"I love C++ Im gonna wok with Ubi Soft!
That code make a message cout is saying make the massage beside it.
return 0;
That code return means exit o mean any key.
So when any key is pressed it wil quit.
If you really wanna get into gaming and have fun…Go independant. Like Rock Star or Valve and a few others. Also do what ever it takes to get your foot in the front door. I started off as a video game tester. I am not programming games but I do like textures, models and project management. I take care of some web stuff, print work. Word of Advice dont be a one trick pony. Dont just be a programmer know design like color theory and things like that. It is good you are starting young I was so into basketball it consumed my life and it was all I knew luckily I went on to play college hoop and picked other skills while there. Learn other things that surround your profession.
hmm, i always wanted to know what XBOX games were coded on…cool. top-o-my list is AS, then MAYBE JS, Java, and C++,or C+, i know a guy who will give me lessons on it when i go to highschool, just dont know if it is C++ or C+…
D might be better for us Flash people… skip c, c++ and go straight into D. Its still new but it will gain some momentum soon enough (I would suspect)
are you being phunny or for real?
if for real then why?
D uses the this keyword for scope reference.
That’s not too shabby I guess bulldog…
But you really need to get into more advanced… Well… Not right now I guess… And the person wouldn’t be able to see thast code… DUH!
Didn’t I teach you anything :trout:
getch(); right before return();
//C++ For Dummies
void main()
int choice = 0;
while(choice != 4)
gotoxy(4, 3);
cout<<"Welcome to C++ for Dummies";
gotoxy(4, 5);
cout<<"1: Hello World!";
gotoxy(4, 6);
cout<<"2: Math is Fun!";
gotoxy(4, 7);
cout<<"3: Arrays!";
gotoxy(4, 8);
cout<<"4: Quit";
gotoxy(4, 10);
Amyways… This really doesn’t do anything… But it introduces bulldog to 2 new things… cin and gotoxy and while loops…
Have FUN! :trout:
Looks like actionscript!
Use the same sintax… Really there are onl;y two main syntaxes out there for programming…
Other than the anchients ones… I’m tlaking newer…
You have C++ and Visual Basic
There are subtle differences… I dislike the Visual Basic way… That’s all I have to say lol
Visual basic is SOOOOO much better than the c++/actionscript/java languages. You don’t have to press the stupid semi-colon every 5 seconds and its easier to use objects.
Blizzard (battle.net is the online service they provide free for all games) has made the starcraft, warcraft, and diablo games. Every game they have made has been a best seller and has been considered great by just about every gamer and critic. They are by far the best game developing company (until microsoft takes them over and ruins them) and they sound like a close knit group of people that all enjoy working on the games they make.