Is there a reason that you would need Visual C++ .NET? I’m taking a C++ course in school, and was wondering if I could use notepad or something (preferably free) to write my code and just save the text file as .cpp and then take it to school to compile or compile it with an external compiler.
I don’t need support for huge linked scripts or anything, I’m just learning. But would this be feasable to write C++ programs without .NET?
Either way, you don’t need Visual C++ .NET or anything like that, for .NET you can install the .NET framework and use the command line compiler… and I’m pretty sure there are other free C++ compilers too
VS .NET is pretty neat though, has way too many time-saving features and such, but technically you should be able to get away with the command-line compiler… I think
Well, I think the course is C++, but .NET is what is installed on the computers, and that’s what we’re using to program. It’s an introductory class to programming.
Introducint Microsoft .NET by David S Platt is a great book to read if you’re interested in the .NET platform in general. Gives you a language-independent insight on the platform and how it runs. The book was also quick and to the point.
Sure you can easily convert Borland Sources to C++ .NET, but C++ .NET to Borland? Nope…
You can get it for about $60 at a student discount store.
I would say the best C++ compiler is DevC++, but I would still recommend that $60 student discount Visual C++ to anyone over anything. (Except for Visual Studio Pro .NET)
I’m just wondering, I have VS .NET, is there anyway you can compile applications to work with the old libraries from VC++ 6? I’ve tried converting a few programs from VC++6 to VC++.NET and had problems with fstream and everything.