C4D Materials

Can anyone here provide a liquid - metal material for Cinema 4D. An example would be in the Infinium Labs website layout. The layout is metallic, with a plastic look. Anything in .c4d format would be greatly appreciated. Electrongeek, feel free to input anything at anytime :stuck_out_tongue:

Play around. Trust me, getting materials or any source from others won’t help you learn. Play around with the reflection and such in basic and you can customize your own metal material.:stuck_out_tongue:

Thx, any other suggestions or sources???

make it shiny with a high peek of specular (choose ‘plastic’)
you need some reflection but not too much and a color -

and you need to have some sort of background; a black background won’t work…

http://mlkdesign.online.fr/misc/kirupa/material.c4d for the material

ive been fideling around in c4d, and i have some questions about lighting, because i can never get mine real good… some tips would be appreciated. thanks

go ahead; post your questions:

for the few ‘tips’ i could give:
-use soft shadows with a HIGH definition map, around 1750*1750.
-Put your lights far away
-If necessary, lit up your work with 3 different bulbs, but don’t forget to decrease each one’s intensity
-when rendering don’t forget to put the best antialiasing
-experiment a lot. And I mean A LOT.

anyway what do you really wanna know about lighting ?

mlk, thx a lot :thumb:

mlk, I’d love to see some tutorials from you :beam:

c4d ?? nah i don’t have any skills, it’s just when i fool around with it, most people can do that with a few hour’s experience