I was arguing with a 3ds hardcore user not too long ago on how c4d could too create good looking metallic textures, and came up with that. Thought it was an okay texture. (please don’t mind the backdrop/shadows as it was quickly done)
yeah texture looks alright… cinema sure is capable, that is if you use it right, eg… egeeks robot renders.
speaking of eg, where has he gone?
Thats pretty nice. C4D can do anything in capable hands, i agree. It is quite the tool. As for metal, tell me this isnt incredible: http://tutorials.c4dnetwork.com/kategorien/texturen/ansehen.html?&tx_plugintutorial_pi1[cmd]=view&tx_plugintutorial_pi1[tutId]=16
Tasty–> http://tutorials.c4dnetwork.com/fileadmin/www.c4dtutorials.com/tut/16/tutorial-16-002.jpg
Hope those link right. And thats version 7.3…
Also, could i get a link to egeeks robots?
check his site
electongeek has many nicknames: egeek, eg, tim. ect…