Cache tutorial help!

Can someone explaien how i should use those two lines of code?

I have one main.swf and one pic.swf. pic.swf is loaded from the maintimeline in main.swf with the command

loadMovie(“pic.swf”, “pic1”);

and i wnat to use the unique identifier but i dont know where to enter the code from…

any help would be great !:toad:

What is it you don’t understand? :h:

Exactly where to put the two line of codes?:b:

They replace your loadMovie line :bu:

well its not working cause i get an error message in the output window saying:

Error opening URL “file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/rave_t/Webbpage/pic.swf?uniq=7686”

What should i do?

Test it on your browser.

I must be stupid…I cant get it to work !!

In my main timeline in main.swf i got this line:

loadMovie(“pic.swf”, “picHolder”);

Should i just do it like this??



Do i have to do anything in the pic.swf ??