Cached & onLoadProgress

I am having issues with cached files in IE.
I want the progress bar to only show up if it needs to be loaded.
This below works fine in FF and Safari, but doesn’t work for me in IE
(I think it’s because IE still feels the need to “reload” 4-5% of the clip)

var loader:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
var listener:Object = new Object();
listener.onLoadProgress = function(clip, loaded, total){
var percent:Number = loaded/total*100;
if(percent < 100){ //still is true for cached clips in IE ???
pbar._xscale = percent;
listener.onLoadInit = function(clip){
finish();//finish function
loader.loadClip(target, clip);

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

Come on, someone has to know the answer, or at least some other way of not showing my preloader if it’s been cached…

I dont use the movieClip loader just because of this bug, and many others, like you cant test it locally in the testing enviroment. I just use an onClipEvent with getBytesLoaded and getBytesTotal.