Firefox preloader problem, how to implement solution?

Discovered yesterday that the preloader I’ve been working with (loads external SWFs into levels based on this tutorial ) which works fine on a local preview and IE, is having some major issues in Firefox. I thought this was a little bizarre at first but have since discovered that it could be something to do with 4 bytes that IE ignores but Firefox has a problem with. I’ve been searching for a solution that I can use pretty much constantly since then, and I’m stumped. Here’s a link if you want to see it in (in)action: [URL=“”]link

In IE, everything is good. Page loads, preloader starts at the bottom of the progress bar and progress is acurate.

In Firefox, page loads, external swfs DO preload but progress bar doesn’t display. When swfs are 100% loaded, the full progress bar appears with my “click to enter” link. But people will definitely have left the page thinking nothing is happening by then.

Obviously, this sucks.

I’ve attached my fla and it would be really great if someone would take a look at it and maybe tell me exactly how I could work the 4-bytes-check solution into my current code, if this is the problem at all. I’ve made a few really dodgy attempts that I think are way off the mark. Preloader AS is on the movieclip by the way.

(Just a few other things for anyone who’s reading - I’d also like to make the code a little more succinct, ie make all those levels invisible without using nine seperate lines of code etc. AND I haven’t been able to work out how to kill the enterframe thing, because it’s on a clip event, I’m having trouble getting it to die. delete onenterframe doesn’t seem to work in this case.)