I wrote this program to use the Caeser Cypher method to encode input from the user. I have figured out how to encode each Character, but I cant seem to concatenate the encoded Characters back together and return an encoded string on a single line? Here is where I am at so far, Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
print (“Please tell me the password you want encrypted:”)
message = input()
length = len(message)
index = 0
index = int(index)
while (index < length):
oneChar = message[index]
ascNumber = ord(oneChar)
ascNumber = ascNumber + 9
if ascNumber >= 122:
ascNumber = ascNumber - 26
ascChar = chr(ascNumber)
print ("Your Encrypted Password is: ", ascChar)
index = index + 1
I realize this question is over 13 years old, but I had to fiddle with this, and you were close!
print("Please tell me the password you want encrypted:")
message = input()
length = len(message)
index = 0
encoded_message = "" # Empty string to store the encoded message
while index < length:
oneChar = message[index]
ascNumber = ord(oneChar)
ascNumber = ascNumber + 9
if ascNumber >= 122:
ascNumber = ascNumber - 26
ascChar = chr(ascNumber)
encoded_message += ascChar # This is the part that is missing
index = index + 1
print("Your Encrypted Password is:", encoded_message) # Print the entire encoded message on a single line
To concatenate the encoded characters and return an encoded string on a single line, you need to accumulate the encoded characters in a variable, then print the entire accumulated string after the loop finishes. Here’s a corrected version of your program:
print("Please tell me the password you want encrypted:")
message = input()
length = len(message)
index = 0
encrypted_message = ""
while index < length:
oneChar = message[index]
ascNumber = ord(oneChar)
ascNumber = ascNumber + 9
if ascNumber >= 122:
ascNumber = ascNumber - 26
ascChar = chr(ascNumber)
encrypted_message += ascChar # Concatenate the encoded character
index += 1
print("Your Encrypted Password is:", encrypted_message)
Initialization : An empty string encrypted_message is used to store the concatenated encoded characters.
While Loop : The loop iterates through each character in the input message.
Character Encoding : Each character is encoded using the Caesar Cipher method.
Concatenation : The encoded character ascChar is concatenated to encrypted_message using += .
Print Result : After the loop, the entire encrypted message is printed in one line.
If the input message is “hello”, the program will output an encrypted password according to the Caesar Cipher with a shift of 9.