Call a frame label in another movie clip

Hello everyone,

I’m trying to goto a frame label from within one movie clip, into another movie clip.

For example, the structure is like this:

MovieClip called ‘allButtons’

inside this clip, there are three movie clips with buttons in them, called ‘buttonOne, buttonTwo, buttonThree’.

Now, say I’m inside the movieclip ‘buttonOne’, which is inside the ‘allButtons’ clip. I want to goto a frame label within ‘buttonTwo’ called ‘buttontwo’.

How do I do this?

I’ve tried:

on (release) {

it doesn’t go anywhere. I know if you are calling the main time-line from within a button, you use the _root. distinction, but I can’t figure out a way to call a framelabel from within another movieclip. Hopefully this isn’t too confusing, please let me know if you need any clarification.

thanks so much!!
