Call Javascript From Flash - Help Please

Hi People,

Ok I have no clue on how to do this, so hopefully someone will be able to save the day?

Included is an example to look at for those willing to help. I have just extracted the relevant sections from the original source files. The html files are commented as well for ease of reference.

Now for my problem:

I have a flash/AS3 slideshow that serves as an abstract for a html based site. There is a catch however… I use a custom content scroller and dynamic content loader (javascript & jQuery) for the body of the site.

An example of the custom scroller and dynamic conten loader can be seen on the Malihu wbsite with a demo.

The Javascript code that loads the new content looks like this:

function LoadNewContent(id, file) {
 $("#" + id + " .customScrollBox .content").load(file, function () {

The button (its a list item) in the html fie that would trigger the custom content loading looks like this:
“<li><a onclick=“LoadNewContent(‘mcs_container’,‘about.html .content’);return false” href=”#" class=“infos”><span></span></a></li>"

The “.content” class div is the section im swopping around depending on which link the user clicks. In the case above i dynamically load the contents of the “.content” div from the about.html file into the “.content” div in the index.html file (which is my main file).

Is there a way to do the same from Flash?