Newbie doing complex(?) things

I’m having some trouble with loading external content into a flash movie, and I’m looking for some plain english “click here, do this” kind of help.

I have a flash movie with some buttons I have drawn up on the left for a menu, and a large rectangle I have drawn on the right for content to appear in.

I want to load this content from an external file, hopefully HTML, but formatted text if necessary, and display it in the window (kind of like a browser window).

I can’t seem to figure out how to do this, even after reading the turorials things don’t look the same to me as what is being described.

Specific problems I need help with at this point:

1: when I drop a scroller onto my newly drawn dynamic text box, it does not snap to the edges, but simply puts a scroller on top of my text box and de-selects the text box underneath.

2: I don’t know how to specify what external text file/html file to pull content from.

Thanks in advance.