Call to Kirupitopia! Help me tell my mom Happy Birthday in 30 seconds or less!

:blah: It’s been a while since I’ve been on these boards; as always the best part is the ridiculous collection of emoticons on the right side of the post edit, one of which I believe I created years ago.

So my mother’s birthday is today, (12/29) and for a lot of reasons she’s been feeling really down lately. Not to mention she went to sleep before I could wish her happy birthday tonight, which was partially my fault considering it was 11:45 and I said “Oh I’ll just wait till 12” and then ended up forgetting till much later.

So I said, to make up for the fact that I have the short term memory of a goldfish, I thought it would be nice if she recieved hundreds if not more emails from random strangers on the internet wishing her a very happy 45th birthday.

The first thought to my mind was “Hmm, where can I find the kindest people on the internet” and of course, was my first choice. :proud:

Buttered up enough? Just slightly mushy to entice you just a bit? Great!

The email address is and her name is Bublee, just a dummy account so she doesn’t end up getting 10 strange e-mails in case nobody decides to do this (which would greatly sadden me :crying:) I’ll create the forwarder after its nice and stocked up with e-mails.

I hope through the liberal use of the smiley collection and a heartfelt request I’ve able to twing your heartstrings just enough to get you to click that mailto link and pop in a quick happy birthday email to my dear mother. :angel:

Thankz ye faithful kirupians. This is, if you guessed, all part of a master plan. :smirk2:

P.S. Uh… post count for credibility? Dunno. :rambo:

Edit:// Snap, I found the smiley! :liar: Hehehe.