Calling all Kirupians! Assistance please

I need to built an online store… From scratch.
Basically, I will have a site out there with items on it. I am planning on “stringing” the items listed into an access database. New items will of course be added manually. I need a routine to automatically subtract from the site (through Access) when a “add to cart” type button is clicked.

Also, the person “adding” items is fairly computer illiterate. They need a password protected way into the site to change the numbers, hit “update” and be finished.

Where the H3LL do I start? Any tutorials or personal help/opinions would be GREATLY appreciated…


Start in the same place you do on any database driven site. Summarize all the data and report information that you’ll need to get back out of the database. Then you’ll know what data has to go in and how it must be organized in order to be able to create those pages.

Have you created other ASP database sites or is this your first? Shopping carts can be complex applications, especially as a first database project. You might consider bringing in a subcontractor.