Allright… ready? I’ll start from the beginning only for the sake of others.
create mc with nothing in it.
place the empty mc on your stage… it will look like a circle with a + in the middle (if selected), or just a circle (if not selected).
Name the instance “empty”. (This can be done with actionscript, but let’s not complicate this for right now).
The movie you will load will load into the empty movie clip and will acquire it’s main properties. (value of _x, _y, etc.).
I created a button called Load. I added the actions for this button:
this code loads the swf called “frametest.swf” into my movie clip on the stage which is called “empty”. Easy?
Okay… now when we click on the button a movie will load. This movie is now called… “empty”.
If I want to control the frames inside of a loaded MC in my timeline, I can do so like this…
piece of cake… I’ve included a sample for your entertainment. In my example, the file being loaded has frame labels.
This is simply a way of saying "goto a frame that I’ve called “first” or “second” or “third”. The benefit of doing this, versus saying gotoandplay(framenumber), is that if you ever decide to change the location of your frames (i.e. instead of your movie starting on frame 1 now you want it to start on frame 10), you will have to change all the actionscript that is pointing to a frame number. If you use labels, move your labels when you move your frames, and you wont have to change your code.
one last thing… put all files in the same directory, for simplicity’s sake.
Good luck!