Hi! having this small dillema,
Is it not possible to call other functions from generic mouse event functions? Surely it is !!??
_root.myButton.onPress = function(){
function hide(){
_root.myMc._visible = false;
Hi! having this small dillema,
Is it not possible to call other functions from generic mouse event functions? Surely it is !!??
_root.myButton.onPress = function(){
function hide(){
_root.myMc._visible = false;
It is possible… but doesn’t it call it as if it’s calling from the button. ie, wouldn’t it need to be “_root.hide();” as the call?
just taking a guess at this point.
It is possible… but doesn’t it call it as if it’s calling from the button. ie, wouldn’t it need to be “_root.hide();” as the call?
since the function has the absolute addressing to the movie clip … it shouln’t be a problem
and if you call only one function you can use
_root.myButton.onPress = hide;
Yeah thanks guys, but I know that you can call a function straight from the handler
this.onPress = hide();
But this isnt exactly what Im looking for, should have made my post more clear… Say there are 2 different functions, (both seperate functions as they do completely different things), and I want call both at the time the mouse handler has picked up a mouse event? EG, I want to hide something with function hide(), and at the same time duplicate something else with function dupeIt().
this.onPress = function() {
_root.myButton.onPress = function(){
??? I must be missing something… :trout:
You… you’re too fast… [size=1]said like Neo after Morpheus kicked his *** in the dojo[/size]
yes i am [size=1]said like morpheus after kicking neo’s ***[/size]
[size=1]ps. who’s morpheus? who’s neo? ;)[/size]
ive tried this, i figured that it should be that easy - a straight function call within the handler function. Maybe somewhere, or somehow something is interfearing but I cant figure it out for the life of me.
And in regard to Neo and Morpheus , havent u ever seen the movie The Matrix??
maybe if you post all your code or attach the fla
And in regard to Neo and Morpheus , havent u ever seen the movie The Matrix??
being honest … no
it’s been like 6 years since the last time i saw a movie
but i do know who’s morpheus and who’s neo
:+) …here we go…
var i=1;
createNodeButt.onPress = function(){
dupeNode();//go to another function to duplicate the node (a circle shape)
function dupeNode()
newName = "node" + i;
tempNode.duplicateMovieClip(newName, i);
this._parent[newName]._xscale = 175;
this._parent[newName]._yscale = 175;
this._parent[newName]._x = xpos;
this._parent[newName]._y = ypos;
There’s a snippet of my code Kax (-:
Hope is make sense. In the onPress handler function I use the _alpha to show user that the button is selected, then I call dupeCircle function to carry out the rest of the actions.
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