Help calling function

I’m stuck trying to call an event handler function (line 109 & 114) from inside an event listener (line 51 & 52). Everything works as expected except the event handler has no reaction to a mouse event. I’ve experimented with Delegate.create but didn’t solve the problem. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Here’s the code.

buttonHolderClip is previously defined
Three arrays have been previously loaded from external XML file: label_array, image_array & link_array
FlashStyles.css is defined in an external style sheet

// total # of buttons & headers
var nButtons:Number = label_array.length;

// create buttonHolders
for (var i:Number = 0; i < nButtons; i++) {

// For each button node create a MovieClip, "buttonHolder*" 
// Tag with unique identifier i and Assign depth = i
buttonHolderClip.createEmptyMovieClip ("navButton" + i, i);
// Create a variable to use as a handle the new button 
var navButton:MovieClip = buttonHolderClip["navButton" + i];

// load button images
buttonImageLoader.loadClip(image_array*, navButton);
// This code is called for each value of "i" by imageListener 
// when the corresponding button image has completely loaded
// which effectively couples it into the "for" loop
buttonImageListener.onLoadInit = function (target_mc:MovieClip) {
	// Attach variable linkURL to target_mc movie clip.  target_mc is
	target_mc.linkURL = link_array[nCounter];
	// Add actions to navButton
	target_mc.onPress = buttonSound;
	target_mc.onRelease = buttonClick;
	// layout button on stage
	target_mc._x = 0;
	target_mc._y = Math.round(yPosition);

	if (label_array[nCounter] == "ABOUT") {
		target_mc._y = navButtonHeight * nCounter + 5;

} else {

	if (label_array[nCounter] == "PRACTICE" || label_array[nCounter] == "PORTFOLIO" || label_array[nCounter] == "CLIENTS" || label_array[nCounter] == "CONTACT") {target_mc._y = navButtonHeight * nCounter + 8;

} else {

		target_mc._y = navButtonHeight * nCounter + 8;
	// Add text field for button label
	var buttonText:TextField = target_mc.createTextField("buttonLabelField", nCounter + 100, 0, 0, 100, 16);
	buttonText.html = true;
	buttonText.align = left;
	buttonText.border = true;
	buttonText.selectable = false;
	buttonText.multiline = false;
	buttonText.wordWrap = false;
	buttonText.embedFonts = true;
	//buttonText._rotation = 45;
	buttonText.antiAliasType = "advanced";
	buttonText.styleSheet = flashStyles;
	buttonText.htmlText = "&lt;span class='navSubHead'&gt;" + label_array[nCounter] + "&lt;/span&gt;";
	nCounter += 1;

// Event handlers
function buttonClick():Void {
	//clipLoader.loadClip(target_mc.linkURL, screenClip);
	race("Button Release");
function buttonSound():Void {
	trace("Button Press");