Calling other movieClips inside other movieClips

The problem I am having is a little moe signifcant than what the titles suggests.

What I am trying to do is to determine whether a movieClip, which is nested inside another a movieClip hits another moviceClip, which, you guessed it, is inside another movieClip.

Something along the lines of this:

if( _root.character.charNose_mc.hitTest( this )){
   _root.character._x -= _root.char_speed;

Obviously this code is not working. The movieClip the hitTest( this ) is referring to is inside another movieClip. And charNose_mc is nested inside character at the root level. As you can tell, the goal of this code is to move the character movieClip in a negative direction using a predefined variable called char_speed.

Any ideas on what I am doing wrong, or what is the proper way to format this code? Thanks!

I believe it might work, but what do I know…
Another appoach might be a more mathematically one.
Write a function that tracks the location’s and bounderies of given mc’s and let it return the information for processing.

First highlight the charNose_mc clip. Then apply this code:
if(this.hitTest(_root.some_clip)){ //_root.some_clip should be the path of your other movie clip.
_root.character._x -= _root.char_speed;