Camcorder Question

Hey guys and gals,
here I am back with more fun questions about cameras and such.
This time I’m goin for a camcorder though. Some of you probably remember me telling you how I was getting a camera for a friend, but she turned into a raging uber-******, so I’m spending the money elsewhere :thumb: :slight_smile:


I found this camera that I like.

Sony DCR-HC32

So I was wondering what you guys thought. Is this a good camera for this price? I actually found it for about 450 somewhere. Is there another camcorder for a comperable price with better features and what have you? Also, what’s all this miniDV mumbo jumbo? I’m really behind the tech curve with video evidently. I realize that its a tape that you record to, but I can still take everything to my computer and screw with it right? And it has the Sony Duo Card thinger in it, does stuff get recorded to that, or just the tape, or can I choose or what? And can I record over the tapes like 50 billion times if I want to?

WOoo, sorry for all the lame questions, hopefully someone takes pitty on me and reads and answers at least one or two of them

Thanks guy

-pinkmethod, the absolute most oblivious member ever :beam: