So, I’m concidering the JVC GR-DV500 with a 1.33 mpx CCD:
…and a Sony DCR-TRV33E with a 1.07 mpx CCD:
The main differences are the shape, and the MegaPixels in the CCD. Now, I have no clue which one to pick. They are both about the same price and have both the same options. The Sony has a cool touch screen though, but I’m more intrested in the image quality than all the gadget stuff. I mean, there are still buttons to push on… Sony has the quality name of course, but the guy in the store (a smart one that gave me good information, for a change) said the quality of the JVC was equal to the Sony.
Does anyone here have a digital camcorder? What brand do you have? What do you recommend? I’m searching for a camera with a good price of course… not planning to buy a broadcast camera with 3 or more CCD’s…
I dont own a camera this good, nor do i have expert knowlege. But this is what i can work out from various reviews.
The JVC seems to have a slightly better picture resolution and a better lens. ALthough, knowing sony, their camera will have a lot more that you can do with it. Also, the sony camera comes with bluetooth and more picture effects.
Personaly, i would go for sony. It is a better known brand, has a wider product support range and (because its a sony) will have a greater re-sale value, should you wish to get rid of it in a few years time.
Me? A Sony freak? Well, I like Sony stuff, but I don’t concider myself a Sony freak at all. In fact, I only have 2 Sony devices at home: a stereo head set and an alarm clock… The rest is mostly Panasonic, JVC and Nokia stuff. All those things continue to work great. There’s one brand I don’t like at all: Philips shivers. I curse Philips for their crappy stuff!
Anyway, thanks for your reply. I think I might go for the Sony. The Sony has a Carl Zeis lens, which is not bad at all…
Another thing I worry about is the lux (= light intensity that the camera can handle). I will ask the guy in the shop to test both cameras out first by connecting them to a TV set. That’s the least he can do if he wants me to pay 999 euros…
yeah, test them! thats prob the best idea. Its a big purchase, so they should let you do that. That way you can get the one you are most comfortable with.
Anyways, dont knock phillips too much - they invented the compact disk! where would we be without that? Still living in caves thats where!
(ok, maybe not living in caves, but you get the idea )
I have the Sony DCR-TRV22. Have had it for a few months now. I’m not a very advanced user, so I don’t think I can really give you specific feedback, but I find the camcorder to be very easy to use and the picture quality is great (although again, I’m not an expert… but it comes in pretty clear). The size is also a plus… I’m a small person… I need a small camera. I also like the touch screen because it’s less cluttered than a bunch of buttons… that’s just my preference for aesthetics though.