Can 2 flash movies read the same shared object


My problem is that i have a flash movie with has a link to another flash  movie. I want both of them to read from the same shared object. I know it violates the funda of shared objects. Is there some way of doin this.Both these movies run from a Tomcat Web server within the same domain.

Please help!!!


i think that is possible but u have to use absolute paths:

some = SharedObject.getLocal(“c:\something.sol”)

instead of

some = SharedObject.getLocal(“something”)

altough im not really sure of this (test it) i will look it up on AS the definitive guide later

you can of course, by passing in a path parameter (as per aboves post), just be carefull, any of the 2 swfs will then overwrite data from the other (a SO gets saved when you close the page…)