anyone can help me with the SharedObject?
ok i am using a localhost with a path only to the wwwroot folder and so every folder(eg. login) i created inside i have to type http://localhost/login/movie.html
i create a movie.swf in the login folder and on the first frame put
myData= “Hello”
SO = SharedObject.getLocal(“info”); //create the file myData;
then i create another othermovie.swf inside the same login folder, and put on the first frame
SO = SharedObject.getLocal(“info”);
ID = myData;
both swf files are on the same domain and have the same path , do i have to put the path too?
like eg.
SO = SharedObject.getLocal(“info”,"/login");
ID = myData;
any tutorials out there on sharing objects between movies rather than on the same movie itself? thank =)