Can anyone help me with this, once already loaded play in future from frame 10 not 3?

I have a small issue with my fla file. Basically I added a preloader, which all works fine, but I also added a few frames whereby I faded out the preloader graphic into the actual movie, I did this by selecting all the elements for the preloader and saved that as a seperate symbol, quite simple really.

I then added a layer above that where the layer would fade fade from a 0 opacity to a full opacity, until the preloader elements were hidden, and then everything would continue as per normal. However the issue I now face, as I am sure you guessed is that now when the user returns to say the home page after already preloading the swf, I still get my transition, ie the preloader fade, so basically my interest is getting it to play from a inputted frame after the first preload, i.e maybe store in a cookie that the swf has indeed already loaded, this would just play the swf from say frame 10 which is past the preloader fading out.

This is my goal, can anyone advise on such a task, please please help me out, otherwise it can get quite boring seeing the preloader each time I visit the home page or anyone else for that matter.

Brief: After loaded once, play everytime from say frame 10 onwards, never from frame 3 which is where the preloader itself finishes.

