Can anyone help?


my first flash site is starting to turn into a nighmare.

What I ideally want is for the first .fla file to load, then when a button is clicked the corresponding .fla to load!

at the moment i’ve got a site which has the correct coding to load the scenes correctly but it still takes AGES to load the site, when i publish the site in flash i get one .fla(index.fla) and one .html(index.htm) not one for each scene. does this mean when people go on the site they are downloading the index.fla, which is huge and not the individual scenes?

if so how do I correct this?

and would it be useful to have a preloader on every scene thereafter?

any help is appreciated, but I cant upload the source file as it is tooooo big!:*(


the fla is for you to edit… at the end of the day its the swf and html files that goes to the net…

when you test your flash file (ctrl+enter (pc)/ command+return (mac)) it automatically makes an swf file for you. the swf file will be saved in the same directory as the fla file.

you will need a preloader for each flash file. the preloader will be enough for the entire flash file (all scenes included)… unless you use if frameLoaded() in which case you can specify what you want to have preloaded before the movie starts…

why do you want to work with external files if you can’t even handle one flash file? start off with the basics and build up. first learn to crawl and then you walk and then you run…

planning, planning, planning… (i sound like my lecturer from college :))

is there any tutes on the frameLoading action?


what frameloading?

maybe you should try there are a whole bunch of tuts for actionscript. starting with beginner all the way through to advanced.


sounds like you think that having scenes will create seperate swf’s for you. You’ve been misinformed. If you want a seperate swf for each of your sections then you need to create a fla for each section and publish those. Then link them using loadMovie and/or loadMovieNum. All scenes are really are just blank movieclips.
