Hi, I have to make an application and I dont know whether Flash can do it or not, and whether it is easy to do:
The process is as following:
In the Flash,
1: The user uploads an image
2: The user enter a distance(e.g.: 5cm) , click “enter”
3: he clicks 2 points(pt.A and pt.B) , and the program was told the distance between them is 5cm
To explain more clearly, I call the line joining pt.A and pt.B to be “Line AB”, and the mid-point of the “Line AB” to be “Midpoint AB”
4: Change the image resolution to be 50 pixels/cm
5: Rotate the image until the Line AB become horizontal
6: Crop the image based on Midpoint AB, such that the distance between:
a) the top of the cropped image and the MidpointAB = 400 pixels (8cm)
b) the bottom of the cropped image and the MidpointAB = 300 pixels (6cm)
c) The left side of the cropped image and the MidpointAB = 200 pixels (4cm)
d) the right side of the cropped image and the midpointAB = 200 pixels (4cm)
May I know whether Flash can do it and whether it is difficult to do so?
Thank you very much!