Can I make my flash act as frames and unload a button

I don’t know much about flash and movie thing. I have 3 buttons that I have added actions to.

I want to know when I make a movie done with layers.
Can I make one layer act as a frame in a regular frameset linking to a container frame in the next layer to hold the output from the first.
Such as a content frame to load the leftframe.
The leftframe will be the navigation and will load in the content
frame. When someone performs a search, the results would then open up a new layer.

Does anyone know of any tutorials for this? Or have anything to suggest.

I think you’re looking for this page:

pom :asian:

I added you to my buddy list, Now I am going to improvise and try to write some type of function in MX for my windows that will open. Some type of function in the MX to layer another button with text to say click again to my frameset. I just need one click after the first button loads the leftframe to the rightframe. Then one more window.

I am passing one url to the first button. After that I am going to have to find out how to do some actionscript to call the second layered button. So they must perform a search and load the leftframe in the content frame.
And call a function one more time to the content frame to make them click on the page that loads and layer another button. Which will take them to their bonus icon. i was reading and have some information on popup windows. So I am going to popup the bonus icon. I am just going to have to tell them to keep the first window open all call some function for each time they do some thing call a button with text that will take them to the third window which I want them to do.

I don’t know much about scripting in flash. Really I am still learning javascript.