I’m tired of being treated as this “new” kid where I work. I’ve been here for over 2 yrs. now and we’ve hired some new people since I’ve been here and I am still treated as if I don’t know what the f is going on! It’s like they all look at me - especially the sr. art director and say “oh he is fresh out of college still - he has a lot to learn etc. etc.” well all I can say is BS! Seriously!
Granted there are things I am still learning - but half of the people that even work here never went to college or got a degree or anything! Yet, I’m the new kid that doesn’t know jack and gets stepped on and basically passed by on many projects that could’ve been potentially fun - just because they think I don’t have the experience or know how!
Ugh - this really might force me to get my work together - get my site up and just get outta here.
Anyone know of any good Design firms that are looking for a very “initiative taking” hard working designer that loves to work hard and get great results - just let me know!
Ok thanks for listening to my pitty-ful rant. I’m done.