Can non-flash rollovers control a flash movie?

I have been racking my brain trying to come up with the best way to make a flash movie that can interact with html links on a page. Basically there is a list of products (about 20) that are currently just html links. On the home page, the client has asked for a flash movie. When you roll over product items, the flash movie should jump to an animation relating to that product. These animations could all be built on the timeline of one flash movie, or could be multiple .swfs.

So far the best idea I can come up with is to have multiple swfs. I could potentially position each one absolutely so that they stack on top of each other. Then use CSS or javascript to change the stacking order when you rollover the links. This seems to be a rather cumbersome solution though, and I think there must be a more efficient way to do this.

Can anyone let me know if any of the following ideas might work?

  • I have used javascript to make disjointed image rollovers, is it possible to mouseover a link and then swap a swf file?

  • if you mouseover the link, can javascript send a variable to flash, and then have actionscript detect that variable and send the movie to the appropriate keyframe?

  • Is it possible to achieve the effect I am looking for if you click the links instead of rollover them?

I am using flash cs3, so i can use actionscript 2 or 3.
What I am trying to avoid is creating the whole page in flash, as it would be inconsistent with the rest of the site.

Thanks for any suggestions!!