Hi all…
Im a student and im undertaking a portfolio site so any help would be very greatful. Im just starting off, created a seperate .swf file, and i want to load it in to a specific area on my main stage, but everytime i click my button, the movie loads where i want it but i can see everything OFF stage, pain in the butt! i cant seem 2 find out what it is. When i play the seperate .swf its fine i dont see off stage, but soon as i link it into my main stage i see it all. I was looking at publishing settings, case something in there 2 alter, double checked my stage size for seperate movie and cant find whats wrong. Maybe its how im linking it into my main movie, im using this code atm.
on (release){
loadMovie("3dwork.swf", "empty_mc");
Any guess’s how or where im going wrong?
Thanks in advance 2 any replys