Can someone tell what im doing wrong?

I followed that CSS tutorial but instead of making the test hardcoded i though i would try to dynamicaly pull the info from a database. Well Ive only put one line in the asp to start to see if I could even get it to read but heres the ASP code…


And heres the fist frame of the CSS tutorial here.

//Create a new style sheet object
var myCSS = new TextField.StyleSheet();
//Specify the location of the CSS file that you created earlier
var cssURL = "example.css";
//Load CSS file
//define onLoad handler
myCSS.onLoad = function(success) {
	 if (success) {
				/* If the style sheet loaded without error,
				assign it to the text object, and assign the HTML text to the
				text field*/
		 myText.styleSheet = myCSS;
		 myText.text = testing; //this should be ".htmlText", 
				// but Flash seems to recognise that the textbox needs to display html anyway

It either comes up undefined or It makes it bold and spits out prints 123")

I dunno what im doing wrong…