Urgent Help: Database loading, CSS, Scrolling

Okay, here’s my dillema::!:
I built an application to load a menu from an asp file called code.asp into a single variable into a scrolling text box named textField. I finally got the scrolling text box to work with the css. I tested this with a regular externally loaded text file because I didn’t have the code.asp file ready for me. So I changed the code over to the loadvariablesnum(); (linked in the same folder) and this morning when I get up I come to find that when they implemented the code.asp it does not load the variable from the asp file. I need to get this done today somehow and I’ve run out of ideas of what is wrong. If anyone could help me I’d be greatly appreciative!

Here’s my code:
this.onEnterFrame = function() {
if (scrollUp) {
if (scrollDown) {
var format = new TextField.StyleSheet();
var path = “flash.css”;
format.onLoad = function(loaded) {
if (loaded) {
_root.content_mc.menu_mc.textField.styleSheet = format;
myLoadVar = new loadVariablesNum();
myLoadVar.load(“code.asp”, 0, “GET”);
myLoadVar.onLoad = function (success){
if (success == true) {
_root.content_mc.menu_mc.textField.variable = “theMenu”
} else {
_root.content_mc.menu_mc.textField.text = “Error loading CSS file!”;

Can anyone help me with this problem?

I might try sticking this one in the Server or Client side scripting forum… I’ve never messed around with variables in ASP myself.

Thanks disco stu, I’ll try it there!

try posting your asp code.