Can you give me a very simple about php and flash

hi all,
I read tutorial about php and flash but now I still … don’t understand how it work :d

can you give me a very simple about it ? for examplae load var from a php file to flash,
thanks all

perhaps you are going a bit fast…

maybe you should learn a little more basic procedures before tackling combining Flash and PHP.

If I have misunderstood, I appologize.

The tutorials on this site are very good, and explain it very well…


one of the first things to realize about flash and php is that php has nothing to do with how flash loads variables. Nothing whatsoever (directly). You dont need php to load variables, just a text file. Often, however, it is the case that php is used to dynamically create those text files loaded into Flash because php can create text files like that on the fly based on given variables and information stored on the web.

So, in its simplest, there are two completey different sides to php and flash. Theres

  1. making the varaibles to load - giving them names and values, with or without the help of php
  2. bringing those variables into flash using the loadvariables command.

Both of those are best tested each on their own before combining them together. The Flash side would be the easiest, just using a regulat txt file to load. As for php, youd need to (aside from learning it) either install php on your own system or work with it off of some other server which can be a little more painstaking since you would be uploading each time for every test - and yes, test and play around with these things so you can get a better grasp of how they work and what they can do.

Of course the best thing to do is find a good tut - as rev mentioned there are some good ones here :slight_smile:

can I download your complete file ? because my file doesn’t work :frowning: