(Cannot) Masking multi objects, please help!

I’m encountering this weird problem:

// first, I set the mask to movie1_mc
movie1_mc.mask = mask_mc; // mask works well

// but when I set the mask to movie2_mc:
movie2_mc.mask = mask_mc;
// ok, movie2_mc got the mask, but movie1_mc lost the mask.

So can the mask be applied to ONE object only? I don’t think so as we still can masking multi object on the timeline :pa:

Then, how to masking multi object by code? Please help! :jail:

Is there anything preventing you from sticking the objects into a container sprite or movieclip? In AS3 it doesn’t affect your pathing, really, so you can just add them in there and it’s pretty much good to go.

well, thanks for the answer, the only way to do that is putting objects into a container then mask the container, I’ll try this way.