Well… I don’t know if there is already a thread on this subject, but I have this doubt, and I would really like some support.
Been trying to use one mask object to mask several movies, but it doesn’t seems to work. Has anyone ever managed to do this?
For example:
Let’s say I have three MC - man, woman and baby are their names - and I want to use setMask to mask then so they walk behind the walls of a house, but just show up through the window. I create, then, a mask object - one object with the shape of the window inside it - named it windowMask, put it in _root and added to my actions layer the following lines:
Unfortunately, only the last of them - baby in this case - is masked.
Can’t I use one mask object to mask multiple MCs?
Everything works fine if I duplicate the mask MC and set each copy as a mask for each of them.
The thing is, what I wrote above is just an example. The real movie has 30 to 40 MC which should be masked by the same mask object and I don’t want to have 30 to 40 mask objects dangling around my movie…