Hi, I have a problem with a button in Flash. I can open a popup window, but I can’t close it again!
Ok… I’ve got this button… I have given it the following function (to open a popup window with a given path)
Looks like this:
on (release){
pictWin = mx.managers.PopUpManager.createPopUp(_root, mx.containers.Window, true, {closeButton:true, contentPath:“c:/Picture01.JPG”, title:“Picture01SOMETHING” });
… and it works great!!!
The Popup window opens as it should.
But I can’t close it again.
I have given frame 1 the following:
xListener = new Object();
xListener.release = function(){
pictWin.addEventListener(“release”, xListener);
… This should close it right (delete), when I click close…… ??? Well, nothing happens ! ! !
Can someone help me…I would REALLY appreciate it.