Can't figure this out

i’m having two problems with trying to code my portfolio website.

first off, i created an index page which loads up main.swf in a holder on the index page. in the main page i created 3 buttons. what i’m having trouble with is once the buttons are pressed in the main page i want the holder to unload the main page and loading a new page, i’m having trouble trying to call the holder in the main page to call the page i want, although im able to unload it.

here’s the code i used to unload the main page:


var mainTimeline;
function unloadSWF(e:MouseEvent) {
// Only unload self if were loaded into another movie
if (mainTimeline != this) {

if (parent == stage) {
mainTimeline = this;
} else {
mainTimeline = parent.parent.parent;

my next problem is with sound. i have a sound loop playing in the background. my problem is that i have videos with sound in my portfolio and when they play the video sound compete with the background loop. so is there a code somewhere that can fade out the loop when the video link is clicked and a fade in code when the video unloads.

im an intermediate at AS3 but what i’m trying to accomplish is way too advanced for me. so any explanation of whatever code is welcome, so i can further my knowledge of AS3. thanks 2 anyone who helps.