on my main scene, i have created a button. when you roll over it i have put this code
on(rollOver) {
tellTarget("/house") {
on(rollOut) {
function wait() {
tellTarget("house") {
gotoAndStop( 1 );
myTimer = setInterval(wait, 9000); // calls the function after 1 second
ok well, as you hover over it telltargets a movieclip called “house” this is my menu. inside my house mc, there is two frames,
frame 1 : blank with a stop();
frame 2 : menu with buttons with “onGotoAndPlay( frame );”
the problem is when i test it, i hover over the button on(rollOver)
the movieclip “house” is telltargetted, and the frame label “up” is displayed – frame 2
this is my menu, the buttons react (the cursor changes when you go over them", i cant click them though because their actions arent working
how can i correct this problem ? or get round it ?