Can't stop Loader from playing on complete

I’m having an issue with the Loader class. It seems that when the load completes, before the COMPLETE event can fire, the Loader populates its .content property with the movieclip and immediately starts playing it. This is a big problem because while you can’t see it because it hasn’t been added to any Display Object, you can still hear it playing its audio in the background.

I’m trying to preload a playlist of swf files and I really don’t want to have the audio triggered several times in a row as clips are loaded in sequence. I tried immediately telling the movieclip in the loader.content to stop(), but it couldn’t catch the movieclip before its started playing. I tried using the URLLoader but it won’t convert binary data to complex types such as MovieClips, just simple text formats like XML.

This has got me wondering, if the Loader’s content stays null until fully loaded, how can you do partial preloads, where you’d start playing a long movieclip before its fully loaded?

The only saving grace in all of this is that I can pretty safely count on the fact that all the swf’s I’ll be loading will be using the audio Stream event. So basically I can catch the loader before it plays the first frame. But if the audio is set to Start event, there doesn’t seem to be any way to intercept the load before its already starting playing the audio.

What other options are there?