since phil isn’t here, i must replace him and make these caption threads…so caption this
clinton has lewinsky, i’ve got this turkey
since phil isn’t here, i must replace him and make these caption threads…so caption this
clinton has lewinsky, i’ve got this turkey
No, wait, a little lower… There, that’s the spot.
Gobble Gobble Gobble!!
10 Minutes after this picture was taken, this Turkey
(B.J turkwinskey) filed sexual harrasment case against Bush.
“Another Impeachment”
<i>Yup, that’s gonna leave a mark</i>
I’ll Show that clown clinton…Ha! a fat chick??..gobble gobble baby
Take a note, remind me to thank the twins for this one
Oh boy, i don´t use that for a long time… lately i get pleasure by bombing small helpless coutries.
no matter what you guys try to do, i’m still going to war!
Thanksgiving is still a holiday, but can i get your number?
Thinking quickly, Old Tom finds a sure way to survive Thanksgiving
…and Another thing! We need to start this wa…gobble gobble Hey there little fella your kinda cu…WHOOAA THERE! - Chaney, grab the pickup, were going back to the white house PRONTO!
sigh, don’t all of you get sick and tired of making fun of GW lol I mean, let’s show him some respect!
Kirupa 8]
that deserves a :trout:
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