i usually try to avoid blatant bush bashing, but this was just too ■■■■ funny.
ahahahahaaaaaaaaahahahahaaaaaaaa coughcoughcough ahhahhahahhahahhaaaaaaaaaaa
thats awesome bit…
i have no idea if it’s real or not. probably wouldn’t be too hard to fake. but still funny.
found it on another forum.
I’m no photo expert, but that vertical line looks to me to be the seam of a magazine binding. So its as if someone scanned the picture. Also there is no discoloration around the lens-cap area that would lead me to believe that it is a fake. I think it may be genuine.
edit: Did a little research: The name on the bottom, "Ommanny’, thats the Bush’s ‘official’ photographer. Well really was a campaign photographer, but I guess he hung around long enough to take this picture. But we know that at least the basis of the picture is genuine…
I think its real. Just my opinion.
the graininess definitely looks like a magazine scan.
Would u be that suprised to find this picture real. Listen to this story.
Bush was at a concert and Stevie Wonder came onto the stage. As Stevie was walking to his piano bush tried to wave at Stevie to get his attention. HE IS BLIND U MORON. HE can’t see you waving like an monkey.
I can see this picture as being real as can be:)
Yeah, those aren’t really binoculars. They are those disney ‘view finders’ where you slide in a disk with pictures on it, and press a button to cycle through the pictures. Only Bush’s and Clinton’s pictures differ from the Disney ones…
Images inside Bush View-Finder:
Large Oil Drills in Alaska
Piles of Money
Bombs being dropped on every country in the world
Mushroom clouds from Nuclear explosions
Images inside Clinton’s View-Finder:
Monika Lewinksi
Paula Jones
A box of Cubans
A box of Tissues
lol. although i now see that the Republicans are better than democrats and that the Republicans now own the house and senante i think that Gore is more inteligent, just look at the Gore concevence speach vs. the Bush acceptance. this is real.
Yeah i always thought that Algore was the biggest moron, but lately King George seems to be vying for the title.
I’m a big time proponant to the idea that Bush is an idiot, but even I don’t believe this one. I can tell you exactly what happened here, (in all likely hood)
Bush was given the binocs for a photoshoot. He held them up to his eyes, and noticed something wasn’t right. Camera man takes a picture. Bush, and or cameraman realize the problem with the binocs and remove the caps. photographer takes a second picture. After both are developed photographer sells first bogus print to highest liberal bidder. It gets out and circulated.
I’ll bet if you looked hard enough, you would find almost the same pic online without the cap’s on.
They’re stupid, but that’s why bush has all those people around him. They catch this sort of stuff all the time. And if they didn’t catch it, I’d really like to know why my taxes are so high. Someone is getting paid too much money up there.
Sorry to burst bubbles… but that’s my take on this one.
oh, and I looked pretty hard with photoshop at this one. I can’t see any tampering. Granted it’s a jpg. You can do a lot to an origional then make it unknowticable when you compress it down a bit. but I don’t think that the photo itself is a fake.
yeah I know I spelled that wrong.
I guess though… that any sane person would have stopped the photographer before he took the first pic. I know I would have.