Cartoon Character Battle

Cartoon Character Battle

porpous2, nj_jcarter, koorb, junahu, Sharif, lord_viper, cartoonfox , odedvard, WaffenWaffles

Make the best cartoon character you can. It has to be related with happiness or fun.
You can not trace, use scan, or copy any image, it HAS to be still and original.
It must be entirely made with Flash!


Good luck! :slight_smile:

can i join? please? :slight_smile:

Sure cartoonfox

yay!! thanks :slight_smile:

so the dealine is the 27th. and we just have to have it ready by then?

can we post wip’s? (work in progress) or is it just one “chance”

thanks, this should be fun :slight_smile:

ok, heres mine so far. if your not allowed to post wip’s, sorry. :slight_smile:

hope you like.

this is mine >>ALIEN<<

I call him “johhny the jump roping alien”

CartoonFX i love your cartoon dude…hehe the faces on the clouds are cool too. nice work!:te:

thanks :slight_smile:

yours is cool, i laughed when i saw the aliens face. lol, he doesnt look happy at all. looks like he’s beeing forced to do it :smiley:

maybe clean it up? good luck with the battle

hehe i mainly did it for fun, i highly doubt i’ll win any battle with this. I agree Johnny the jump roping alien is more serious, maybe this is due to the fact that hes so concerned about breakign the genus book of world records- makes Johnny a little tense, thats all.

anyway good luck to you cartoonfox…can;t wait to see your completed work!

lol ok. i’ll try not to put him off his record breaking jumps :smiley:

thanks :slight_smile:

i love yours, and im confused because mine dissapeeared off this site somehow??

it disapeared because of something to do with the server. all the attachments have been deleted off the server. so just attatch it again.

i didnt get to see yours the first time round

thanks :slight_smile:

oooh no i spent hours on that thing, and i deleated it off my computer… nooooooooooooo

lol, why d’you delete it? you might have needed it :wink:

ah well, i hope you can do another.

yeah well, at least now i have an excuse to start a new one… you wouldve beeten me any day :slight_smile:

i sware yours reminds me of something, oh yeah, your character i dont know, it just has a resemblance with a happy tree friends character, i dont know how i got that but it does, you should go work for them :slight_smile: :wink:

ok heres my little crazy alien dude with crazy alien dudes around him in the middle of the sky :slight_smile: :), also thanks to morse for letting me use his server!!!

here is mine… lol :smiley:

hey cool. i like the shape of the castle tower thing. and the snout of the dragon looks cool.

nice work :slight_smile:

huh, who what where why? what are you talking about? sorry im lost:h: