I’m in… Do you actually want me to take this seriously this time and worry about things other than comdey… It seems creativity doesn’t reign anymore
Anyways… 5-15 seconds… Looping AND under 100k? 200 X 650 Pixels… Okay… I get ya… Shouldn’t be to tough… Since I won’t be worried abou my game creation I’ll have time to do this one.
why not, i’d bet we’d see vastly different stuff to the characters battle, and then there’s the question of optimisation and the rest of it to fit it into 100k i dont think that’s too hard really, i mean, episodes of weebl come in at around a 100k anyways…
I do not have anything to disagree with rules wise, they are made to make it a challenge, not to challenge them. But um, my name is Sraet (Its Tears backwards, hehe) not Straet
[Edit]Can I browse the web for graphics to use? I am not very good in that department[/Edit]
Question about what to do here… I am kinda new to this, being not only my first comic attempt but my first battle of any style… There is no way it will take me the whole time to make acomic, not really expecting to get even a single vote, but Ive spent most of today designing my character (tough task for those of us graphically impared) and working on adding simple animations to it…
Question is, what do I do with it when I am done? Wait for the turn in day or just post it up here to be collected or … ?
First off, please accept my apologies for spelling your name wrong - I’ll go and correct that on the Battle thread in a second. :sure:
Secondly, all you really have to do is make your 5 - 30 second cartoon, then post it (or the URL that leads to it) up here before the end date. These all get put into a poll and the good people of the forums place their votes.