Cartoonfox sketchbook

hi, i’ve decided to make a digital sketchbook here on kirupa, just to post some sketches every now and then.

i’ll try at least one each day, but i am quite busy sometimes. i’ll try my best though.

ok, so here is the first one

its just a general ugly gross monster thing. i doubt i’ll finish the body.

any crits welcome.


wow, nice drawing dude. will be great to see your daily drawings. nice idea. :slight_smile:

*Originally posted by cartoonfox *
Kitiara i’m guessing when you say nasty you really meen that you think i’m cool and you want to marry me?.. no. i didnt think so. that was stupid.
anyway, thanks. i’ve never seen x-files, but i’m guessing thats a compliment?
thanks you :slight_smile: glad you think its nasty :slight_smile:
ooh, by the way, you havent greeted me to the forums yet.
i know, i know, i’ve been here a while, but i only just realised the thread yesterday. and congrats on holding back showing your photo for a whole year and 8 days since you first said you would. thats quite an atchevement, and yes, i had alot of free time on my hands. thanks :slight_smile:



just out of interest, what do you do your sketchs with?

and I see you liked the godzilla movie… :slight_smile:

*Originally posted by cartoonfox *
Kitiara i’m guessing when you say nasty you really meen that you think i’m cool and you want to marry me?.. no. i didnt think so. that was stupid.
anyway, thanks. i’ve never seen x-files, but i’m guessing thats a compliment?
thanks you :slight_smile: glad you think its nasty :slight_smile:
ooh, by the way, you havent greeted me to the forums yet.
i know, i know, i’ve been here a while, but i only just realised the thread yesterday. and congrats on holding back showing your photo for a whole year and 8 days since you first said you would. thats quite an atchevement, and yes, i had alot of free time on my hands. thanks :slight_smile:

Hehe, yeah, when I say nasty I meant it looks nasty in a good way. Evil and all that. :evil:

There’s an episode of the X Files (can’t remember the title or series or anything sadly) where there’s a mutated liver phluke living in some sewers and taking chunks out of people. It’s not an episode to watch while you’re eating spaghetti, I discovered. :sure: But it had this whole mouth deformity thing going on and rubbery skin type stuff, and that’s what the picture reminded me of. :beam:

Have an official hello, since I never wander into that welcome thread anymore:

Hello from Kit.


And did I really leave it a year and 8 days? And you’re still all talking to me? Ber-limey. :stuck_out_tongue:

[size=1]Btw, there’s anothr greeting in that Random thread now… :)[/size]

hi, thanks :slight_smile:

…::Soulty::… , thanks, much appreciated. i hope i will be able to look back at this thread in a few months and be able to say, “gee, i was pretty **** rubbish back then, i’m supa dupa now”… without it being a lie. thanks :slight_smile:

asphaltcowboy , i use a pencil. dunno what one. i just grab anything. without looking. i use the pencil to draw the general shape and form. and then i grab an ink pen, usually 0.4 and go over. adding the details.
yes, i did like the godzilla movie, i didnt realsie this picture looked influenced by the film though. thanks :slight_smile:

Kitiara, thanks. i must see that episode, and spaghetti is my favourate, i’ll take my chances. and wear a bib.
hello from cartoonfox :slight_smile: though i still want a giant one from kirupa and the other guy.
yeah, it was a year and 8 days.
yeah, i was that boared.
yeah, i am that sad.
yeah, i am still talking to you. but i’ll stop know. you seem scared.
thanks :slight_smile:
[SIZE=1]btw, thanks for the post on random. i’ll check it out now[/SIZE] :slight_smile:

todays drawing should be ready soon… wish me luck :slight_smile:

I’m just amazed that anyone would trawl through 75 pages just to find that picture. :slight_smile:

Speaking of which, I tracked down a picture of the X Files beastie:

Icky, huh? :slight_smile:

well i was just curios as to why you would need to hide most of your face. i couldnt see any reason :wink:

OH JEEZE! now that is a poor ugly git… i love it. he’s just mis-understood :slight_smile: i can see the resembalence.
he’s the one that needs your shades :smiley:

*Originally posted by cartoonfox *
asphaltcowboy , yes, i did like the godzilla movie, i didnt realsie this picture looked influenced by the film though. thanks :slight_smile:
I was actually talking about some of the other stuff in your portfolio, think the X-Files is more accurate for this particular sketch. nice work.

thank you. wow, you visited my site? cool changes list to 2 people


yeah, i like your fox design, and your sketch was impressive: just went to see if there were any other little nuggets worth seeing…

and was there? :smiley:

thanks :slight_smile: todays is currentley been inking. it’ll be ready to show soon. :slight_smile: