Catching a spider advice

I have just been going through this article :here

And I am a bit confused, when adding the meta tags: <META NAME=“ROBOTS” CONTENT=“INDEX, FOLLOW”>

Do i add this to every page within my site, because i just looked on my works server and they already had a robot.txt file and this meta tag was within that, so is it both or have I lost the plot :slight_smile:

Thanks for any advice

You actually want them spiders going to the whole site ???

there is usually only one Robots.txt, and it usually doesn’t contain a meta tag. Instead: The robots.txt files tells the search engine spiders(bots) where they can and can’t look for information/search terms.

Thanks guyz, Ithought the robot.txt file should not contain a meta file instruction!

I’ll set the file to (try) stop spambots and restrict access to certain folders such as cgibin etc


Been through all the articles and my robots.txt file is ok now, got it validated also to check it works :slight_smile:

But one thing I am still confused is that should I also add the meta tag to my html pages aswell as having the robots.txt file?

The robots.txt file will work, but most bots nowadays don’t even read meta tags. So if you want to put meta tags on all your pages… by all means.

Thanks, Anygood manual submission websites about, and what’s the best software to get? Also any tips that you use?
