Search engines

some spam bullpoo:
We Have The Answers!
This revealing report will show you:
How to get people to go to your site FIRST even…
…major search engines determine ranking? Know these tricks and watch your traffic grow!

yeah yeah, ok, thanks for the garble. but for real, i’m not paying these guys 50$ to tell me something that i probably already know, or at least that another kirupan knows. so…

what do you guys know about search engine stuff? i mean, i’m just adding the meta tags to my new site and stuff, and i was wondering if there’s any tips and tricks anyone would like to share to make your website, well, more obvious i guess. i’m making all the text in the site appear inside comment tags as well, i know about that bit.

anywhoo, thanks.

Phil’s written a tute about this in the Flash MX area…

Plus having had meeting with various search engine optimisation companies, I now know a lot of ‘tricks’, which I shall post as soon as I have finished cooking dinner. :slight_smile:

hey, no crap. don’t i feel like a clod now. thanks kit. :wink:

personally, my site is registered with google, and I never submitted anything…

most search engines send out spiders (crawlers) to sniff up tags and such, mine was on google a few weeks after I put it online :slight_smile:

do you guys think it’s ok to put totally random things in a meta tag? like, erm… pamela anderson? heh

lol, it’s definetely not illegal (i think)

it’s cheating :bad:

i know its cheating… lol… but like, could i be morally chastised by the kirupa community for doing it? or is it just, one of those accepted thingies? hehehhe

hm, I personally don’t mind if you cheat in your meta tags, as long as I don’t see any p*rn or stuff like that ON your site :slight_smile:

I guess it’s up kirupa do decide that :slight_smile:

nothing dirty in my site at all, totally clean flash fun… :beam:
but check out my meta, i think this could be a bit too much cheating…
there is a whole bunch of site oriented words and then this…

alien, UFO, sex, KaZaA, Dragonball, Pamela Anderson, IRS, Final Fantasy, Marijuana, Lord of the Rings, Mortgage Rates, Anime, E-Cards, Free Music Downloads, Greeting Cards


hehe :stuck_out_tongue:

you worm you :stuck_out_tongue:

it was phil’s idea! i read his tutorial!!! lol

Your conscience will bleed … BLEED … all over you, I say. Beware the type lured by such nonsense. :toad:

Besides, so much for being “clean” then, right? :whistle:

Right, well back from dinner and I’ve remembered some of the stuff these optimisation guys told me.

First, the Meta tags. In those, always put the most important keywords/phrases first. Spiders will attach more importance to them.

Second, have your keywords repeated in the text a lot. This makes it stand out to spiders more as well. So in our case, Churchill are plugging car insurance, so we’d need to have the words ‘car insurance’ used a lot on the site, especially the homepage.

Third, the closer these repetitions are to the top of the source code, the better. Line 3 is better than line 33. Move JavaScript to an external file and link it, save wasting valuable lines.

Fourth, and this is the biggie, inbound links. The more sites that link to yours, the higher your site will rate. And if those inbound links are of good quality, from similarly themed sites, your rating goes up even more.

Hope that helps. :slight_smile: I probably missed a few bits, since the guy we had in was the most dull man in existance and I zoned out a lot of what he said…

HEY, if i make a link, like, < a href="http://bkahfkjhsafkjhsaf.sdfsdf ">< /a >

will a bot think that i actually linked to that site?

Not sure exactly… I spent most of the three hours this man was droning on for doodling… :blush:

I think it’s do do with high ranked sites linking to yours, thus boosting your own ranking…

yah, but phil said it also works in reverse, but i dotn REALLY wanna link to or something, so i figured i could just pretend to…lol

thanks for your tips, too. quite helpful. my index text now reads as follows…

REDGOLGI flash design WORKS WITH YOU flash design TO MAKE YOUR flash design VISION A flash design REALITY.

heheh jk, but close…

i took out the cheats… just left one, “alien” cuz i couldnt resist… hehhe
but you’re right, morality took over :sigh:

are spidees smart enough to realize that all my stuff and links and keywords and content is in comment tags?

Good question golgi :stuck_out_tongue: i want to know the answer too!

my cousin used to work for google and helped create their page rank feature… i should ask him for some tips.