I had made a post recently on XML reading an XML, but there wasn’t much input given - which might be largely due to the lack of a clear goal.
After searching for a while, I found a website that has something I was looking for.
In Imeem.com, after creating or finding a playlist, you will notice the player and the playlist is all in flash.
In essence, I would like to create something similar to that UI. I would like to imitate the categorical search that the UI offers, For instance, if a user selects artist, everything sorts alphabetically on the artist category.
How do I start? I thought it would be best to start off by using XML to do the sorting, but it seems there is no clear putforth way of doing this.
If anyone can help me out in this endeavor that would be great.
My XML post can be found http://www.kirupa.com/forum/showthread.php?t=311845
but i’m beggining to think that my goal is not reachable by the method I propose in that post…